4 research outputs found

    Effect of delayed acquisition times on Gadolinium-enhanced MRI of the presumably normal canine brain

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    A delay in imaging following intravenous contrast medium administration has been recommended to reduce misdiagnoses. However, the normal variation of contrast enhancement in dogs following a delay has not been characterized. Contrast enhanced MR imaging of 22 dogs was assessed, in terms of identification of normal anatomic structures, to investigate the variation associated with 10 minute delay between contrast medium administration and imaging. All dogs had a normal brain MR imaging study and unremarkable CSF. Specific ROIs were assessed both objectively, using computer software, and subjectively using three observers. Mean contrast enhancement greater than 10% was seen in the pituitary gland, choroid plexus, meninges, temporal muscle, trigeminal nerve and the trigeminal nerve root. Structures with an active blood-brain-barrier had minimal contrast enhancement (<6%). Enhancing structures had significantly more contrast enhancement at t=1min versus t=10min, except in temporal muscle, the trigeminal nerve and the trigeminal nerve root. Inter-observer agreement was moderate to good in favor of the initial post contrast T1w sequence. The observers found either no difference or poor agreement in identification of the non-vascular structures. Intra-observer agreement was very good with all vascular structures and most non-vascular structures. A degree of meningeal enhancement was a consistent finding. The initial acquisition had higher enhancement characteristics and observer agreement for some structures; however, contrast-to-noise was comparable in the delayed phase or not significantly different. We provide baseline references and suggest that the initial T1w post contrast sequence is preferable but not essential should a delayed post contrast T1w sequence be performed

    Duplicated ectopic ureter in a nine-year-old labrador

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    A nine-year-old male neutered Labrador retriever presented with a history of chronic urinary tract infections and occasional dribbling of urine. Abdominal ultrasound showed changes suggestive of a left ectopic ureter. A pneumocystogram revealed an air-filled distended tubular and tortuous structure extending from the region of the prostatic urethra to the left kidney, consistent with an ectopic ureter. Intravenous urography depicted the presence of an additional left ureter with only slightly larger diameter than the right and with normal insertion in the bladder neck. A duplicated ectopic left ureter was suspected and confirmed during surgery. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first description of a duplicated ectopic ureter in the canine species. The combination of ultrasound and contrast radiography was important to reach the diagnosis

    Imaging findings in 11 cats with feline dysautonomia

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    Dysautonomia is caused by degeneration of the autonomic ganglia. Failure of the autonomic system affecting the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts can cause oesophageal distension and/or dysfunction, gastric and bowel distension and hypomotility, and urinary bladder distension. The aim of this retrospective study was to describe diagnostic imaging findings in cats with dysautonomia. Common findings were megaoesophagus and/or oesophageal dysfunction, gastric distension and signs of intestinal ileus. Associated aspiration pneumonia and megacolon appeared less commonly. Although diagnostic imaging findings are not specific for this disease, if findings in multiple systems are detected, along with consistent clinical signs and neurological deficits, dysautonomia should be considered among the differential diagnosi